Boredom had a way of stealthily walking into the room and completely overwhelming the days activities. More times than not, it came so suddenly that just when he readied himself for the next chore, nothing was left to do. He stood at the kitchen window watching squirrels bury their nutty treasures for future consumption. Squirrels. They never seemed bored. Foraging, chasing, barking. Always doing something. He wondered what it would be like to run around with nothing more to do than hunt nuts. He supposed he could just ask a cop, or a prostitute.
The weather turned chilly overnight with the threat of rain. No fishing today. The warm pleasantries of the past couple of weeks made fishing in the cold less necessary. He'd just sit around the house today and watch fishing shows and cooking shows. Maybe the popular T.V. chef would cook fish. Today, the traveler filmed an episode from San Fransisco, showing the less popular spots hidden from tourists, protected. Those places always had the best grub for the best prices. He wished he could get paid to travel city to city sampling the local cuisines on a network's tab.
Squirrels. Skipping from yard to yard burying nuts. Foraging, chasing, barking. Free food and travel. Rodents seemed to have more fun on these boring days.
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